Westworld s1e2 yts
Westworld s1e2 yts

We like to think we have freedom, and that we’re making all these decisions, but most of the time we’re following our own internal programming that we did not consciously write ourselves.Prior to the host uprising of Season 2, guests were allowed to use a host in any way they choose - including committing violent actions that resulted in a host's injury or death. But if we wrote down every single thing we did for a few weeks, even a fairly simple computer could predict rather accurately our next moves. We don’t see our routines because we’re in our routines, and we don’t much question them. We all have Dolores-like behavioral loops that we’re stuck in, and like the hosts we’re largely blind to noticing our loops. Like how a couple weeks ago, when I was ruminating about loops. And then there’s these moments when we realize the hosts’ circumstances are actually not so different at all. We observe these hosts’ extreme and dramatic circumstances, and we feel they’re so different from us. But what’s surprising is how the plight of the hosts can give us a fresh perspective on what it means to be human. And who knows what neuropharmacological wonders are around the corner? If we wanted to boost confidence (at least temporarily), we could use alcohol or cocaine. But if we want to increase our bulk apperception, we could take Modafinil. I thought I knew him, but I was wrong.” For the hosts, these changes are made with coding since they’re machines for humans, it’s chemical because we’re organic. If you were a host observing humans for the first time (instead of the other way around) and you watched a friendly business executive going about his daily life then he went on a weekend drinking bender and turned obnoxious, callous, and violent, you might think - just like we did with Teddy - “This man’s personality has radically changed. Anybody who has taken antidepressants, or more illicit mind-altering drugs, knows all too well that our “wetware” is hugely and rather scarily tweak-able. And… AND… if you want to go deep about this, in many ways human personalities are less fixed than we like to admit, too.

Westworld s1e2 yts